What to Expect from a Tandem Skydive

If you're a first-time skydiver, here's a step-by-step look at a tandem jump at Skydive Indianapolis:

STEP ONE: MAKE A RESERVATION: You should make a reservation for your slot, or place on the airplane. You can do this by clicking on one of the "Book Now" buttons on our website, or by calling 1 800 900-5509.  Know that the time you book is your ARRIVAL time, not your jump time. This is super important because if you arrive too early, you're going to be frustrated by the wait time!

STEP TWO: ARRIVE AT SKYDIVE INDIANAPOLIS: When you arrive, you'll watch an instructive video that tells you what you need to do in the air, and also a legality-type video that features a guy with a really long beard who is a rock star in the skydiving world. Afterward, you'll sign your waiver then head to the office for check-in.

STEP THREE: CHECK INTO THE OFFICE: At check-in, you'll turn in your paperwork and pay the remaining balance on your skydive (your $50 deposit is applied automatically.) If you want video, photos or both, you'll fill out your paperwork and pay for this now, as well.  NOTE: If you don't arrange to have a videographer fly with you at check-in, you will not have images after you land.

STEP FOUR: MANIFEST Once checked in, you'll be manifested onto a plane load. This will be displayed on monitors in the main hangar, so you can easily see when it's about to be your turn.

STEP FIVE: MEET YOUR INSTRUCTOR As your turn nears, you'll meet your instructor, he'll go through basic procedures, answer any questions, and get you geared up.

You and your skydive instructor will board the plane together

STEP SIX: BOARD THE PLANE When it's time to board the plane, you'll board with your instructor with him or her sitting behind you.

STEP SEVEN: FLY TO JUMP ALTITUDE The plane takes off and you begin the climb to altitude. Your anticipation will build the higher you go! When you near jump altitude, your instructor will begin the process of tightening the harness which attaches you to him/her, and you'll receive your goggles.

Head position on exiting the plane

At jump altitude, the door will open, and your instructor will guide you towards it. You will sit in front, with your head resting back on your instructor's shoulder (this is to prevent head bumps). As you leave, you hold onto the straps or cross your hands in front of you and hold an arched position. You will feel a brief falling sensation then level out. As you free fall, it feels as if you are flying through the air. Your instructor will tap you on the arms signaling that you can release the straps, spread your arms like wings and just fly. If you have a videographer, they will join you in free fall and take AMAZING pics and footage!

As your parachute opens, you'll feel a bungee-like sensation

At 5,000 feet, your instructor will pull the parachute. (If you are doing an AFF tandem jump, you will pull.) As it releases, there's a bungee-sensation, as you are pulled skyward.

A perfect skydive landing

Next, your instructor will steer your canopy to the ground. You can help steer if you'd like or you can just enjoy the ride. Five minutes later, you'll land at the DZ. For a safe landing, you must lift your legs so that your instructor can land first. Don't worry, you're instructor will tell you exactly when to do it!

After landing, your instructor will unhook your harness and you'll be able to celebrate your awesome jump!


That after-skydive feeling

Bringing A GoPro On Your Skydive


Skydiver Tips: Used vs. New Gear