Nuestro compromiso durante la pandemia de Covid-19
Nuestro objetivo en Skydive Indianapolis es darte una experiencia única en la lista de deseos mientras analiza y reduce constantemente el riesgo.
Sharpies and skydiving
Sharpie and Skydiving just seem to go together perfectly. See how our skydivers are making their mark in the sky and why they are doing it.
¿Por Qué Hay un Límite de Peso Para el Paracaidismo?
Cada zona de salto tiene un límite de peso para los paracaidistas en tándem y a menudo es confuso y frustrante. Aprende por qué existen estos límites de peso y qué significan.
How to Create the Perfect Skydive Proposal
If you want to make your proposal memorable, unique and utterly thrilling, consider popping the question at Skydive Indianapolis. Here are our tips for planning an extreme proposal with us.
Consejos Sobre Qué Ponerte Para Tu Salto de Paracaidismo
Estás apunto de saltar de una avioneta a 13,000 pies de altitud. ¿Qué deberías ponerte? Esta publicación te brinda todos los detalles para un salto cómodo.
SIX Ways to Save on Your Skydive
Skydiving is awesome. And it's even better if you can save on your skydive. Here are seven tips to help you do just that.
Bringing A GoPro On Your Skydive
Get the last word on who can and cannot jump with a GoPro and why.
What to Expect from a Tandem Skydive
First time skydiving? Here's a step-by-step explanation of what to expect from your first skydive with Skydive Indianapolis.
Point Break skydiving, fact or fiction?
The skydiving scenes in Point Break are legendary. But are they doable? Here's a recap of Myth Busters.
Skydivers Over Sixty (SOS) Sets a State Record at Skydive Indianapolis
October 14th, eleven Skydivers Over Sixty set the state record in Indiana. In the process, they showed us a thing or two about living life to fullest.
10 Reasons To Get A Skydive Video or Photos
On the fence about whether to get a video or photos? Maybe this blog will change your mind.
Four Myths About Skydiving
People have all sorts of preconceptions about skydiving. Here we debunk 4 common myths.
How to make the most of a weather hold
It's not always blue skies and soft breezes. Here's how to make the most of a weather hold at Skydive Indianapolis.
Aprovechar al máximo tus fotos de paracaidismo
¡Más consejos de los camarógrafos de Skydive Indianapolis para aprovechar al máximo tus fotos y videos de paracaidismo!
5 cosas que puedes hacer con tu camarógrafo de paracaidismo
¿Te preguntas cómo debes hacer que tus fotos de caída libre sean más divertidas y sorprendentes? Aquí hay cinco excelentes consejos de nuestros camarógrafos.