10 Reasons To Get A Skydive Video or Photos

It's jump day. You're checking in at Skydive Indianapolis. And then you're asked, Skydive Video or Photos? It's about $100 more for either, is it worth it? We think it is, and here's our Top 10 reasons why.


10: A Skydive Video means you'll have an awesome videographer to talk to in the plane.

9: A picture of yourself in free fall, on your desk is a great conversation starter

8: Profile picture. Profile picture. Profile picture.

7: Our videographers are super experienced. No one else can capture your free fall as well.

6: If you're an experienced jumper, a videographer can capture your formations and relative work so you have a better idea of what's working and what doesn't.

5. Our videos are edited to music so your jump looks even more awesome. And we'll send you a YouTube link to share with your friends and family.

4. If you're a newly licensed skydiver or AFF student, a video can show your exit and free fall, helping you see what skills need improvement.

3. If you get still pictures, you can get anywhere from 60-70 shots that you can print anywhere like Costco, CVS, your home computer.

2. Some people may not believe that you jumped out of a plane at 13,000 feet. A video or stills gives you proof!

1. Skydiving may be the most awesome, incredible experience of your life. You won't forget it, but a picture or video means you get to relive it!


skydive videographer in action

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